Quemahoning Conservation Release - Fishwater Management Plan
This plan is a project of the Somerset Conservation District in cooperation with the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission, Mountain Laurel Chapter of Trout Unlimited and the Kiski-Conemaugh Stream Team.
The Conservation Release at the Quemahoning Reservoir in Somerset County Pennsylvania is now releasing 11.8 Million Gallons a Day (MGD) into the last mile of Quemahoning Creek and the Stonycreek River. The Conservation Release began in July 2010. The potential now exists for this release to improve aquatic resources in Quemahoning Creek and the Stonycreek River and significantly improve an already established fishery.
In order to maximize these benefits this plan will attempt to address the current and future requirements needed to enhance the resource and the fishery.
Temperature- The temperature regime of the last mile of Quemahoning Creek and the Stonycreek River below the mouth of Quemahoning Creek has been altered by the Conservation Release. The Somerset Conservation District has placed temperature loggers in Quemahoning Creek and the Stonycreek River at Fosutwell. These loggers will to record the long term temperature regimes in both streams. This data will be used to determine what type of fishery as well as aquatic life may develop. Additional temperature loggers will be placed in the Stonycreek River upstream of the mouth of Quemahoning Creek to determine the impact of the Conservation Release on the Stonycreek River for comparison analysis. Another temperature logger will be placed halfway between Foustwell and the mouth of the Quemahoning Creek in the Stonycreek to determine further temperature impacts.
Trout Stocking - Currently the PFBC does not stock Quemahoning Creek or the Stonycreek River below the mouth of Quemahoning Creek. The Stonycreek does receive a stocking of adult trout at Holsopple by way of local sportsmen's clubs. The opportunity may exist to supplement the last mile of Quemahoning Creek and the Stonycreek River with fingerling and adult trout. These additional fish will have to come from cooperative nurseries or purchased from independent hatcheries.
Macroinvertebrate Survey - The Somerset Conservation District has completed a base line inventory of macroinvertebrates in the Stonycreek River and Quemahoning Creektersheds The District will further refine its data by conducting macro invertebrate surveys in the last mile of Quemahoning Creek and the Stonycreek River below the mouth of Quemahoning Creek to determine changes in the aquatic life due to the Conservation Release.
Access - The Somerset Conservation District has secured a GIS property map of the primary section of waterway impacted by the Conservation Release. In order to secure public access to what may become a destination point access easements should be developed with the property owners.
Multi Use - Because the upcoming white water release from the Quemahoning Reservoir will impact the same section of water that may develop into a recreational fishery it is important to communicate with the Cambria-Somerset Authority, the white water community and other recreational users in order to avoid conflicts and to mutually protect and enhance the resource for all.