Associated Organizations

Associated Organizations

Below, we have listed several businesses, organizations and partnerships, whom we work with on a regular basis. Some organizations are geared towards wildlife and waterway stewardship, while others aim to provide recreational opportunities for families. Regardless of their goals, we believe these organizations to be both reputable and responsible to our local watersheds and neighboring communities. Please take some time to browse these organizations and consider how their efforts might align with your own.


The Yellow Creek Coalition (YCC) is a non-profit corporation that works to improve the water quality and public access opportunities of Bedford County's Yellow Creek watershed. The YCC coordinates...

The Stonycreek-Conemaugh River Improvement Project (SCRIP) is networking organization overseen by a 16 - member board of directors that coordinates abandoned mine drainage (AMD) abatement projects...

The Southern Alleghenies Conservancy, Incorporated, is a regionally based non-profit, non-government corporation that was organized to assist local organizations throughout the Southern...

The District was organized to provide for the conservation of soil and water resources, assist in watershed protection and flood prevention, prevent damage to dams and reservoirs to help in...

The mission of the Kiski-Conemaugh Stream Team is to educate and engage citizen stewards in maintaining, enhancing and restoring the natural resources of the Kiski-Conemaugh River Basin.

The Cambria County Conservation District deems to educate and assist the public through programs, projects and leadership in the stewardship of natural resources to sustain and enhance the quality...