The Yellow Creek Coalition (YCC) is a non-profit corporation that works to improve the water quality and public access opportunities of Bedford County's Yellow Creek watershed. The YCC coordinates litter cleanups and stream improvement projects each year. In addition, the YCC, whose members include local landowners, anglers and conservationists works closely in cooperation with landowners to insure their landowner rights are protected while at the same time public access to the outstanding angling waters of Yellow Creek is still available so that these and other natural resource attributes of the watershed can be enjoyed by local citizens and visitors as they have been for decades past.
Thanks to the efforts of the YCC and its public and private partners that include MLTU, Yellow Creek's aquatic resources have been improving so much so that Yellow Creek has been scientifically surveyed and designated by the PA Fish and Boat Commission as a Class A wild brown trout stream from the Fly Fishing Project lower boundary upstream to the vicinity of the mouth of Beaver Creek. That coupled with limited stocking of hatchery raised rainbow trout provides Yellow Creek with a year round self-sustaining yet still challenging recreational fishery that now attracts anglers from far and near to its limestone influenced aquatic rich waters.
The YCC is a membership organization and additional information on how to join or become involved can be obtained by contacting YCC President Fred Sherlock at 814-766-3176.